Ryan pfp



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Ryan pfp
If you are comparing your project's performance to other, established projects, and your project is 100x "faster" then you probably should explain why. It's likely you are not doing everything the other project is doing. There is an eth indexer company that is comparing their results, which use a proprietary API, to other indexers that use the public JSON RPC APIs. Well duh your private API is going to be faster. It's a trade off! https://docs.envio.dev/blog/indexer-benchmarking-results
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Ryan pfp
I’ve made some mistakes in real estate by optimizing for things that can change (inside the lot/walls) instead of things that can’t (location,neighbors) Which is probably why they say the 3 rules of real estate are: location, location, and location. Interesting how we can compress this kind of wisdom.
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Ryan pfp
Anyone got a feature / fix that they are eager to see land in 17? Here are a few I'm looking forward to: - COPY option ON_ERROR ignore to discard error rows - to_bin() and to_oct()
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Ryan pfp
Has anyone here used FLOCK(2)? https://linux.die.net/man/2/flock
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Ryan pfp
Do people still have dogs? Or are they all emotional support animals now?
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Ryan pfp
Had fun setting up Iroh.computer Tickets at last night's 0xP hack night https://gist.github.com/ryandotsmith/7cbe77f061b4cdbc9ee270e84bb1fbca
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Ryan pfp
Postmark: A succinct wire format for Rust https://postcard.jamesmunns.com/wire-format.html
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Ryan pfp
I would gladly pay Zed $500 per year (maybe more) for the editor and its continued development and support instead of them trying to sell me video conferencing
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Ryan pfp
It’s an unusual experience when people skip ahead of a waymo in a stop sign intersection.
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Ryan pfp
pretty good overview of HTTP crates for Rust https://kerkour.com/rust-http-ecosystem-2024
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Ryan pfp
I was curious to learn more about the output of my comandanta c40 this is a fantastic website! i wonder how accurate it is https://honestcoffeeguide.com/coffee-grind-size-chart/
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Ryan pfp
Very excited for this. Will report back tomorrow after I brew some Prodigal
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Ryan pfp
Front seat waymo is the correct way
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Ryan pfp
A person I have known for more than ten years, who I consider trustworthy, is convinced the Democratic Nominee 2024 Polymarket will shortly experience a systemic risk. I don’t know anything concrete, but if I were exposed, I would be concerned.
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Ryan pfp
Should be some good perf. improvements with v17 https://www.postgresql.org/docs/17/release-17.html#RELEASE-17-OPTIMIZER in particular, some CTEs should get faster
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Ryan pfp
A CTE (WITH) can be MATERIALIZED or NOT MATERIALIZED. When MATERIALIZED, the query is computed only once for the outer query. Good for reducing work. Not good when you reference the CTE multiple times with different predicates. NOT MATERIALIZED forces PG to "inline" the CTE which allows predicate push down but possibly duplicates work. The default is MATERIALIZED when a CTE is referenced more than once. https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/queries-with.html#QUERIES-WITH-CTE-MATERIALIZATION
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Ryan pfp
TIL pg source has a helpful README for the Executor https://github.com/postgres/postgres/blob/master/src/backend/executor/README
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Ryan pfp
Good article on correlated / uncorrelated subqueries: https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com/en/subqueries-and-performance-in-postgresql/
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Ryan pfp
Have you talked with your loved ones about independent ordering options lately?
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Ryan pfp
still one of the best pg blogs in the net https://www.depesz.com
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