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Granted, I have no understanding of European laws, but what is all the fuss about Elon hosting the AfD leader on a spaces?
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Lots of Germany perceive - with much justification - AfD as Nazi disciples, and Breton seems to be really going hard at Musk as a separate matter (he is an EU politician not a German one)
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> AfD as Nazi disciples are they? I asked this other day and nothing seemed nazi. The party leader is a lesbian whose partner is a Sri Lankan woman I get that they're very nationalist and anti-immigration, but those ideas are not nazi and dont feel "far" right
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The co founder of party left party in 2015 because he said the party was quickly moving towards an extreme populist right position Several afd members also belong to der fugel which is an ethno nationalist former wing of the afd(afd disbanded it in 2020) 20% of afd members were part of der fugel and several high ranking afd members were the leaders of that
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They want mass deportations and while that is not an idea restricted to Nazis, for the country that invented Nazism and did lots of this, it brings up those old memories I’m not German but there’s probably more and generally the Nazi accusation probably follows those ones. For cultures which never elected Nazis or suffered the enormous consequences, it is probably very hard to understate the role this plays in the national psyche
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