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Breech 🎩🍖Ⓜ️
GM RG’s Happy hump day! Today is the last full day at my folks place and we’re heading back home tomorrow. My sister and her basketball team of children are coming for dinner and gifts tonight! It’s been a nice break out of the trenches, but I’m excited to jump back in tomorrow afternoon too 😂
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Lmao basketball team of kids how many she got? Enjoy family time man, I can’t get enough of it these days
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Breech 🎩🍖Ⓜ️
Hahhaha, she has exactly enough for a starting lineup, 5! 😂 We definitely don’t get enough so it’s always nice to come up here for a visit! I’ll probably make a solo trip in the not so distant future though so I can get another sitting on my back tattoo and maybe have a night out with some of the boys 🍻 🍖 x 500
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Ayyy that sounds like a dream! The 2nd part, not the 5 kid part lmaoooo enjoy dude 🍖 x 666
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Breech 🎩🍖Ⓜ️
Hahaha, I couldn’t do it, honestly. 2 I could do, 3 would be pushing it, above that, sanity = gone 😂 😂 🍖 x 678
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Lmao 3 is pushing it, let me tell you. I’m happy though with the balance, 2 oldest are boys and my youngest is my girl. Did your sister want a girl or want a boy and just kept going until the 5th turned out that way? That’s what happened to my wife’s mom. 4 girls and went for the 5th and finally a boy, wife is oldest of 5 so we know all about big family
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Breech 🎩🍖Ⓜ️
Hahaha, I believe you on the 3! And nope, my sister went G/B/G/B/B lol. First 4 with her previous husband, thought that was it and sure enough she had 1 last one with her new husband lol.
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