Ryan Green pfp

Ryan Green


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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
at MONA we're tackling the challenges of 3d object interoperability and dreaming of new ways objects you own can interact, live, extend themselves in games, the social graph and the metaverse! we've got a lot of cool stuff coming, but for now could we offer you an adorable cupcake? https://monaverse.com/claim
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
tagging @phiiil and @df for the thread
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
make sure you're on node 18
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
5) go back to the root of frames.js and then templates/next-starter-with-examples 6) rename the .env.sample to .env 7) comment out the DEBUG_HUB_HTTP_URL and the DEBUGGER_URL vars and it will default to localhost:3010 8) i filled out the farcaster vars here too but not sure if i needed to 9) run yarn run dev
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
1) ok so clone the entire frames.js repo, then run yarn at the root of the repo 2) goto packages/debugger and rename the .env.sample to .env 3) fill out the env vars (i needed this for getting the wallet featuers and farcaster login to work 4) run yarn build
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
I've been banging my head on the wall for a few hours on this today but finally figured it out!
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
woo hoo figured it out. had to git clone the frames.js repo and run `yarn` at the root, then go into `packages/debugger` and run `yarn build` then go to `templates\next-starter-with-examples` and run `yarn` then `yarn run dev`
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
i also tried with next only as well as express, and neither of them would run
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
hey all, not sure if i'm missing something? i'm on osx with node 18. I'm trying to follow the tutorials, but I cannot seem to get an new project running. the following gives me a 500 server error.
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
!attack south
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
Thank you @phiiil !
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
I don't have much (just gettin started), but this spoke to me and you have have my tip.
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
love the glass orbs 0xbf14298f3607636312bbd10f65f989d245cd7a369d9916ae9f41e9bd89888b00
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
loving desktop login. so smooth. iphone 14, google chrome on osx sonoma
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
“A financial incentive to do something you wouldn’t otherwise do” ~ USA “A reward for killing someone or bringing them into custody or something. It’s a reward.” ~ USA
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
You’re two invoices behind, but I’ll accept frozen microwave meals or coins from your couch cushions…
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
I have 3 more pieces so far: a king, a queen, and another jack. Haven’t decided if it will be a card deck + narrative card game or just a series of 4 1/1s. When seen together, the faces definitely cause me to invent stories of their personalities and relationship, but wondering if it’s better to let viewers decide
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
I made this with blender while sending a camera through random geometry. It's always felt like a digital dreamscape to me...
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Ryan Green pfp
Ryan Green
I want to like it so bad. we're in the middle of reading the third book.
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