ruski  pfp



202 Following

ruski  pfp
The Jewish community has deeper pockets than many imagine Utilize networks and charisma You will go far if you know at least one scalable high demand skill Designing real estate logos , for sale signs, company branding etc has taught me the value of using time as a currency
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ruski  pfp
the local business lead gen arc kicked off today front desk woman at the publishers called me handsome I see this as an absolute win will it be enough to form and solidify a flourishing business relationship? I think so will be on the purple app sporadically do not fret
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ruski  pfp
the education arc is still in full effect have learned a fuck ton about localized and scaling lead gen the main event is brewing... to fully scale a living breathing business structure with this one silly little skill called graphic design
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ruski  pfp
Coming back for that power badge Coming back for the arc of all time Coming back for everything.
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ruski  pfp
It has been too long, brothers.
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ruski  pfp
they call me peter grippin eat your beef/calves liver trust your friendly neighborhood rusk
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ruski  pfp
Sometimes I really be spittin
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ruski  pfp
Been on basketball bender Shin splints absolutely cooking me In other news Learning lead gen for design side hustle about time we scale this shit humanity has never lived in a time where scaling a business was easier taking risks, manifesting they pay off no context base cookie
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ruski  pfp
unfortunately we are the silent majority we must do better
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ruski  pfp
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ruski  pfp
what's up chat
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ruski  pfp
welcome to the no spin zone
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ruski  pfp
Allergies kicking my ass today We push through Arm day awaits at 6 Read the meme though Good meme Wholesome meme
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ruski  pfp
Great event today in NYC got to hear some very insightful stuff by the man @jessepollak himself Phenomenally talented panel, even more so the questions asked tbh no glaze Overall makes me even more bullish on base than I already was Onchain summer imminent
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ruski  pfp
Hats off to these two units tonight Shesty Kreider combo is unstoppable If they played the way they did this 3rd period the whole of game 4 Series would have been a clean sweep LGR
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ruski  pfp
Surely we don’t blow a 3-0 lead Surely (Rangers v canes)
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ruski  pfp
What’s up brothers ☝🏼
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ruski  pfp
Headed to the base nyu event after quick brekky with the bro If you see a large human wearing a rangers jersey say what’s up
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ruski  pfp
What a post gym meal looks like for me on a cut Endulge with me through the screen my friends For these meals will take us to the promised land The camera doesn’t even do Justice to the shear size of these strawberries Do I want to know how they are this big? Not rlly
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ruski  pfp
BTW Prescribing each of you a dose of the show “Pantheon” Brilliancy realized such a shame it got cancelled before szn 3
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