accountless pfp
“ hey we created this thing you’ll be missing out if you dont take it” is not same as “do u want to join as a member and get these cool things?”
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rtist.eth pfp
fomo and promises. both emotion targeted marketing. not the same i agree but the first one doesnt seem desperate and you don't have to give stuff away for free and lose revenue. High end retailers rarely give things away for free and they sell things for 1000x normal retail price as the norm. Know your worth.
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accountless pfp
there is a way to say hey user do you want this, w/o having to say that. 'sign up for rewards' is pretty simple to add w/o being desperate.
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rtist.eth pfp
i was just generalizing in terms of so many markets are a race to the bottom. many small businesses cant even afford a rewards program. because thier profit margins are so low from it. it wasnt a jab
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accountless pfp
i didn't take it as a jab in anyway. we just debating.
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