Ryan Sean Adams (rsa.eth) pfp
Ryan Sean Adams (rsa.eth)
The SEC suing Consensys saying Metamask is an illegal broker dealer So Joe Lubin's like - hold up. I'm suing you first. Also, we're going to prove in court ETH isn't a security and finally bring clarity to the world. Crypto's going on the offensive. Love to see it.
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j4ck 🥶↑🎩 icebreaker pfp
j4ck 🥶↑🎩 icebreaker
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0xlapi 🎩 pfp
0xlapi 🎩
Love to see it too. And will love it even more when the SEC loses all this cases and they are defeated for good, left without any strength to do more blackmails and pointless fights.
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stellabelle🎩 pfp
ohhhhhhh i hadn’t heard this news!!
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Chase Sommer pfp
Chase Sommer
Thanks for sharing with a recap - it's helpful for noobs like me
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