Ryan Sean Adams (rsa.eth) pfp
Ryan Sean Adams (rsa.eth)
So the top reddit creators - the ppl who make reddit what it is - aren't getting equity they're getting the *ability to buy* reddit shares at IPO price? Umm...thanks for the worst airdrop ever? In crypto if you don't airdrop to your best users they will abandon you for a network that does.
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Ryan Sean Adams (rsa.eth) pfp
Ryan Sean Adams (rsa.eth)
source: https://www.wsj.com/finance/stocks/reddit-stock-ipo-buyers-users-58744446?mod=hp_lead_pos5
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agrimony↑🎩 q/tips pfp
agrimony↑🎩 q/tips
thats called a whitelist ser
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Gabe Rabello (aka Barry Lime) pfp
Gabe Rabello (aka Barry Lime)
Though to be fair, this is still better than what most other legacy companies have done for their userbase. Facebook didn’t let their users get first dibs on the IPO.
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Peter🎩 pfp
Still beats Starknet
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Tmophoto🎩 pfp
Ha. Superusers of Reddit do not just leave Reddit.
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Elie pfp
Tokens are broken. I’m happy to keep getting the free money but doesn’t mean any loyalty. Reddit has a product that provides value to users. That’s why they’ll continue to use the product.
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Fran pfp
I dont find this negative. I see this like crypto pulling web 2 companies in the direction of crypto values. Prioritizing ownership among the user base is a crypto value. Seems very web 2.5.
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oliver pfp
It's definitely worth something - typically share prices pop the first day of trading (avg ~14% but can be higher)
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