so... how's SSR doing? ready to switch back to reliable SPA and blockchain as a backend?
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Nick Taran
Do you see blockchain as fully suitable alternative for any website? I mean, even some regular e-commerce thing 🤔
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*especially* for e-commerce, blockchain is amazing at anything financial we're building from ground up using blockchain as backend (full decentralization), can't see why others can't do that there will be centralized elements — but you can live without them
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In my experience to have a decently speedy site you need to be caching everything from the chain or proxy it via an API. RPC tends to be finicky and the location has a huge effect on if a user can connect to any given RPC url. We actually have a race on each page load to see the best RPC for the user.
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not the case for us at, we connect to alchemy polygon mumbai rpc currently (but will replace with our own rpc later), it's crazy fast (faster than twitter or reddit) also like cdn's, rpc's will soon be distributed (see, for instance)
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Glad to see a real cdn for RPCs, we have a few major provides in the mix that we rotate through but it still hits some users. I would highly advise testing via VPN from around the globe if you haven't. If alchemy works for you though I am glad because it's gonna save a lot of headaches 😂
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