Rose pfp



121 Following

Rose pfp
wip plates Started doing pottery on the wheel ~1.5 years ago and finally feeling more confident and being more consistent in making big plates
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Rose pfp
Who wants to team up for a Devcon trivia Frame? I make the trivia, you the code 😀
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Rose pfp
how hard is it (for a non dev) to create a frame that shows photos, and you can click through them like a photo album? does anyone know of already existing code base for this?
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Rose pfp
I love the photos from Devcon VI by Shintaro Yoshimatsu (link below) and would love to see them in a picture frame. Is that hard to make?
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Rose pfp
Thai food 🤤
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Rose pfp
went to the doctor because I felt dizzy the whole day yesterday. She told me to meditate 🧘
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Rose pfp
Cypherpunk, real world Ethereum and coordination are the tracks I’m looking forward the most & you?
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Rose pfp
a lot of beetroot in polish food, I love beet root 😍
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Rose pfp
music and art are close to our hearts, so we're super stoked about our call this week with @shakalei, @vittoria, and @rinna. they are eager to bring music and art to /devcon again!
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Rose pfp
team Next Billion just launched the /devcon scholars program! with space for ~100 scholars. they want to bring builders from diverse backgrounds to Devcon and are all about inclusivity in the space
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Rose pfp
feeling lucky that @ben- is cooking nice stuff to eat from the plates I make😊 /food
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Rose pfp
who's going to EthCC?
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Rose pfp
our first bounty!!
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Rose pfp
So it’s true that Thailand gives out visas for training Muay Thai 😀 and remote work visas Anyone considering staying after Devcon?
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Rose pfp
Brian Armstrong and Tim Berners-Lee on a panel at Devcon? 😀 Who do you wanna see?
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Rose pfp
this makes me feel so appreciated 🥰 can’t wait to hear other incredible, honest, and strong stories
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Rose pfp
Gm 〰️
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Rose pfp
Hi FC, I'm Rose and apart from being here as an individual, I'm also representing @efdevconnect . I'm new here but it's obvious to me that the communication style that works on X might not align with the more authentic and personal conversations here. How do you guys think brands will co-exist on FC, if at all?
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Rose pfp
enjoyed reading a few of @simondlr's scenes. really nice read. Especially also: "Protocols of Speaking" Found on Kiwi News: "Let readers choose their format"
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Rose pfp
Good advice from a kitchen towel
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