Roronoa Zorro pfp

Roronoa Zorro


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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
What is Miner? Imagine you're playing a multiplayer game with your friends, and the rules of the game state that every time a player completes a mission, he needs to report the results of the mission to everyone. In order to prevent someone from cheating, everyone needs to verify that the other person's task is actually completed, and agree on who has completed the task before moving on to the next session. In this process, the role of the validator is that of a "miner". The miner's task is to verify the validity of the transaction and record it in the game's "ledger" by confirming the result. Miners in the blockchain have similar responsibilities: they are responsible for verifying the authenticity of transactions and ensuring that every legitimate transaction is recorded, generating a new "block" for the blockchain to continue to grow
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
🕹️ It's kind of interesting
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
🕹️ Come play games in the Farcade!
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
The market is very deserted right now
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
Mint One Piece Wano Country War Changed the members who fight Kaido😜
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
科技行业的创新浪潮 例子:互联网泡沫(Dot-com Bubble,1997-2001) 主叙事:上世纪90年代末,互联网技术的迅猛发展引发了一场前所未有的投资狂潮。企业和创业者纷纷涌入互联网领域,所有与互联网相关的公司几乎都得到了资本市场的热烈追捧。这一期间的主叙事是“互联网将改变世界”,这种看法几乎成为资本市场的共识,推动了科技股的迅速上涨。 带动效应:投资者对于互联网商业模式的无限想象和未来潜力的乐观预期,让很多不具备盈利模式的互联网公司也获得了超高的估值。即便是那些尚未实现盈利的公司,市场也因为主叙事的吸引力而将其推向高点。 泡沫破裂:直到2000年互联网泡沫破裂,大量公司股价暴跌,市场意识到并非所有的互联网公司都有能力在短期内盈利,整个行业经历了大规模的调整和洗牌。
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
继续拓展昨天的问题。比特币及整个加密货币市场的“牛市主叙事”现象,是否为币圈所独有的? 可能并不是,类似的情况在许多传统金融市场、科技行业、以及其他投资领域中都有出现。可以说,主叙事的效应是一种普遍的市场心理和行为模式,尤其在存在创新技术、资本流动和投机情绪的背景下尤为突出。 例如:互联网泡沫、房地产泡沫
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
市场的非理性繁荣与泡沫 经济学中的“市场泡沫”理论可以帮助我们解释为什么主叙事会大幅带动币价。在牛市初期,某个新兴技术或应用的潜力往往未被完全验证,但由于市场的过度乐观和过度投机,投资者对该主叙事的预期开始不断膨胀,进而推动币价的上涨。 技术乐观主义:每一轮牛市都有某种技术或趋势是被市场过度看好的(比如,ICO的区块链革命、DeFi的去中心化金融、NFT的数字艺术收藏等)。在这些新技术的吸引下,很多投资者并不完全关注项目的实际应用和技术可行性,而是基于技术的“愿景”进行投资。这个“愿景”有时甚至被放大,形成过度的市场乐观。
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
我在想一个问题,为什么每轮牛市会有所谓的主叙事?为什么主叙事能大幅带动币价? 或许能从心理学、市场行为、技术创新、投机情绪等多个维度来分析。 人类心理和群体行为 在每轮牛市中,投资者的心理反应和群体行为起着至关重要的作用。人类天生倾向于从众行为,尤其在投资市场中,这种从众心理表现得尤为明显。 寻找“热点”:在不确定的市场环境下,投资者往往倾向于依赖简单的规则或趋势来做决策。这使得某个热门话题或技术创新(如ICO、DeFi、NFT、AI等)成为吸引市场关注的“热点”。一旦这一热点被广泛认知和讨论,投资者就会开始纷纷跟风投资,甚至是无论技术是否成熟的情况下也会参与其中,这推动了市场的快速上涨。
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
2021年:NFT(非同质化代币)和元宇宙 主叙事:2021年,NFT和元宇宙成为了新一轮牛市的主叙事。NFT指的是通过区块链技术,将独一无二的数字资产标记为代币,通常用于艺术品、音乐、游戏道具等领域。与此同时,元宇宙的概念也大热,许多科技公司和区块链项目开始投入资金和精力,建设一个虚拟的、沉浸式的数字世界。 特点:NFT的兴起让艺术家、游戏开发者、音乐创作者等可以通过区块链技术,创造和出售独一无二的数字作品,这吸引了大量投资者和收藏家的注意。与此同时,Meta(Facebook)宣布转型为“Meta”,大力推动元宇宙的构建,推升了整个市场对元宇宙的热情。这个阶段,NFT交易量暴增,许多数字艺术品和虚拟土地价格飞涨。
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
Creativity is limitless
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
今日份学习: 当我们回顾过去几轮牛市的主叙事时,每一轮的主热点都表现出一定的规律:通常从某个创新概念或技术突破起步,然后迅速吸引投资者的注意,进而推动市场价格的飞涨,最后在泡沫破裂时造成大规模的调整。 除了2017年的ICO,还有哪些历史的牛市主叙事? 2020年:DeFi(去中心化金融) 主叙事:进入2020年,DeFi(去中心化金融)成为了币圈的主要叙事。DeFi是基于区块链技术,尤其是以太坊,构建去中心化的金融服务(例如借贷、交易所、稳定币等)。这种新兴的金融模式,既不依赖传统银行,也不需要中心化机构中介,吸引了大量的用户和资本流入。 评论区继续展开
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
The main narrative of the history of the currency circle: 2017: ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) and the application of blockchain technology Main narrative: In 2017, ICOs became the core main narrative of that year's bull market. ICO refers to the project party through the issuance of its own tokens for financing, and many people see the potential of blockchain technology, especially the combination of traditional business models and financing methods with encryption technology. Bubble bursting: With the failure of a large number of projects and the expansion of the bubble, regulation began to tighten, and many ICO scams were exposed, which eventually led to a market crash. Many investors have suffered huge losses after the frenzy and entered a bear market
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
Have a nice weekend
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
Web3 Learning Today: The principle of the automatic gas optimization mechanism Automatic Gas Estimation: The system calculates a reasonable gas limit based on the current blockchain network load, the complexity of the transaction, and the gas cap of the target block. This way, users don’t need to manually set gas fees—the system adjusts the gas allocation to fit the network conditions. Smart Contract Optimization: When executing complex smart contracts, the system considers the contract’s logic, resource consumption, and past execution data to adjust gas usage. This helps avoid transactions being too costly or failing due to insufficient gas. Avoiding Excessive Fees: With automatic gas optimization, users are protected from huge fee spikes during network congestion. It ensures fees are more reasonable, even in busy times.
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
Today's Web3 Learning: What is the Automatic Gas Optimization Mechanism? It means that in the process of blockchain transactions, the system can automatically adjust and optimize the use of gas according to the current state of the network and the complexity of the transaction, so as to improve the transaction efficiency and reduce the cost. This mechanism is mainly applied to Ethereum and other blockchains that support smart contracts, especially when transaction fees (gas fees) fluctuate greatly. This mechanism has important applications in platforms such as Ethereum, Polkadot, etc., and helps to improve the usability of blockchain applications, especially when the network is congested.
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
Why are smart contracts important? The importance of smart contracts is mainly reflected in the following aspects: Decentralization, disintermediation: Smart contracts do not rely on any intermediaries (such as banks, lawyers, governments, etc.) to execute the contract content. It is completely controlled by the code, and once the rules are set, the contract is automatically executed. In this way, not only do you save on intermediary fees, but you also avoid human error. Automated Execution: Once the conditions are met, the smart contract is executed automatically without any human intervention. This makes execution faster and reduces processing time and costs. Transparent & Trustworthy: Smart contracts are blockchain-based, so all execution is public, and anyone can view the content and execution of the contract. This makes the entire contract process more transparent and cannot be tampered with, ensuring the trustworthiness of the data
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Roronoa Zorro pfp
Roronoa Zorro
【Take a chestnut】 Example 1: Rental contract Let's say you sign a rental contract with your landlord through a smart contract: The lease period is 3 months, and the rent is 1000 yuan per month. The rules of the smart contract are: after the tenant pays the rent, the landlord provides the house key, and the contract is valid; If the tenant fails to pay the rent on time, the contract is automatically terminated. When a tenant deposits $1,000 into the smart contract, the smart contract will automatically confirm the payment. Once the payment is made, the smart contract automatically sends the tenant the key to the house and the lease period begins. If the tenant does not pay on time, the smart contract automatically notifies the landlord to terminate the contract, and the tenant's payment amount is refunded. With smart contracts, all of these processes are performed automatically, avoiding human intervention and disputes.
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