Rohit pfp



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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
gm to international timezone farcaster
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Rohit pfp
So in this case Arweave has an endowment. Approximately 95% of user’s upfront fees go into this endowment. The purpose of this endowment is to release AR Tokens whenever a case may arise so that data storage continues to remain profitable for the miners. So far, however, there hasn’t been a need for this.
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Rohit pfp
This blog outlines the process in more detail in case this piques your interest:
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Rohit pfp
Apologies, I missed one cast from your thread regarding the demand for storage of old data. But to clarify this point, Arweave uses a mining mechanism where in order to store new data, a proof from some randomly selected historical data must be submitted. This incentivizes miner to continue storing old data.
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Rohit pfp
Hey @clauswilke curious what you think are the potential failures of Arweave that concern you in this regard?
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