Roman Giler pfp

Roman Giler


114 Following

Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
After Token 2049 I am convinced the D in Dubai stands for degen…
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Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
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Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
📍 Checking in from 7375 Degen Drive! Where do you live in the Farhood? 🏘️
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Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
Always makes me chuckle 🙊
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Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
No points or tokens here ngmi
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Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
Thinking I want this for Christmas
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Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
I’m extremely excited 😆 about the state of things as we head into 2024. 2022: I convinced a bunch of non-web3 people to build a DeFi project with me. We took on 💯 risk. 2023: We bootstrapped Savvy from 0 to 1 during peak 🐻 season. Many warned us not to… did it anyways. 2024: The future of 🇫🇷
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Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
Merry Christmas 🎁🎄
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Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
Hope, just like MC Hammer, you “can’t touch this,” but it is infectious. Never stop dreaming!
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Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
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Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
Sometimes it’s like talking to the void.
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Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
GM - going to the gym with my daughter.
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Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
Caption this audit summary for me?
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Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
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Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
one dab a day…
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Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
Happy New Year!
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Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
Sharing my journey as a founder. After leaving JPM(Bank) in 2021, I dedicated myself to DeFi & Web3. As someone who considers themselves to be passionate, I found myself spending significant parts of 2022 questioning the decision to be a founder during the 🐻. I kept building❤️, and very soon, I will show off Sa
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Roman Giler pfp
Roman Giler
hey farcaster i’m roman.
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