roller pfp



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roller pfp
gm! Going into another intense oral surgery tomorrow and could use all the love you can spare. I don’t usually get scared but I’m quite nervous. The pain I’ve been in has been compared to “not even comprehensible on pain scales. You’re a 15/10 at best.” I truly can’t put it to words. Ty in advance.🩷
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roller pfp
gm! In one word how does this make you feel?
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roller pfp
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roller pfp
Hi everyone! Getting a bit personal for a sec. Do any of you have experience with picc lines/ports? I have to get one soon and they are leaning towards a picc. Even if you have never had one yourself, maybe you know someone who has. I really appreciate the community feedback, so thank you in advance.
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roller pfp
Now that @missmayad is here, game on. Welcome!! 🫶🏼
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roller pfp
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roller pfp
this is a @heyhaigh appreciation post 🤝
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roller pfp
I will say it every day… I love @parallel //
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roller pfp
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roller pfp
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roller pfp
Officially applied to /farcon! Big vibes. It’s been an over a year since I’ve been able to rendezvous with you irl and curate experiences. I feel lucky for the opportunity and cheers to a brilliant time to come!
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roller pfp
gm beautiful people 💎
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roller pfp
Health took another turn but I’m grateful for having a good day this week. Today has been migraines & body pain & I just got out of bed. Symptoms fluctuate from the root canal issues right now & it’s so hard. I’m just trying to hold out until surgery in a few weeks. Solution focused but very exhausted. Brb. 🤍
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roller pfp
The amount of art I have to mint is actually wild 😅 I was nicknamed the Carmen San Diego of Minting for a reason. Low key mints here & there with a direct connection to my collectors whom I adore. Last one was over a year ago and had ~80 mints. Should we do a little free minting here while I work on the next drop?
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roller pfp
I’ve been building exclusively bts ever since I was hospitalized in 2022 after Miami due to my recovery process. I think expansively with a multidisciplinary background across multiple industries & I am so close to being back in more public action. Can’t fit in a box. Happy to be here & alive. Let’s do this! 😈
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roller pfp
The @shillr space today was so good to see so many familiar faces. Thank you @funghibull @bernardo-cafe & team as usual. I don’t make many spaces right now with current treatment schedule, so when I do it always feels extra special to get to take that time. Hope everyone had a beautiful day!
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roller pfp
It’s a vibe. Two day salt brine on these chicken thighs.
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roller pfp
Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. This is incredible. 🫶🏼
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roller pfp
gm! ❤️
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roller pfp
I have an epic story about @gmoney.eth admit001 airdrop that I will share one day. That story is still unfolding so it is not ready to be told but I think about this at least 1x a week & send some love to them for changing my life at a time when trad systems were failing all around me. Thank you @gmoney.eth 🫶🏼
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