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roham🐹🎩 pfp
The next important movement in the history of painting and visual arts is Impressionism, which was created by 19th century French painters such as Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Paul Cézanne, in which painting scenes were taken out of the studio and into real, everyday life. They achieved a high degree of color variation by using thin brushes and unmixed colors.
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
What do you think about the atmosphere of this place?
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
Emoticons are mostly used for protection, concealment, display or entertainment on the face. Emoticons have been used for both ceremonial and practical needs since ancient times.
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
One of the most important features to know about Farcaster is that this protocol uses a hybrid architecture to improve its security level; In this way, users' identity information is stored on-chain and on-chain, while their interactions and posts are off-chain and off-chain.
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
Farrer is an award-winning photographer who has published work in various venues. His skill in making scenery has led him to offer his own workshops. All this is done in the UK, where he is based. His works are mainly shot with wide lenses.
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
Wooden masks belong to native African tribes, which are mostly used in the rituals of these tribes. Ritual masks exist all over the world, although most of the features of these masks are common, they have been developed and developed in different ways in terms of shape. There are many differences.
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
Bitcoin's blockchain works like a bank's ledger, but it's decentralized and transparent, and anyone can have a copy of it.
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
Programming languages ​​basically act as an interface to translate a program into machine code. Learning programming languages ​​is much easier than learning zero and one machine codes, and therefore they are very useful and practical for programmers.
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
This painting is among the best works of the world's great painters and is also known as the Night Guardian painting. This painting is the work left by the famous Dutch painter named Rembrandt
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
Villas can be considered very large houses that are built in an area with good weather and landscape
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
Lady Gaga, the famous American singer and Oscar winner, had the most newsworthy style of the ceremony (MTV Video Music Award). He appeared in this ceremony with several different styles and displayed several models of masks with his clothes.
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
Zora is a popular platform for NFT brand holders who usually use it to mint their digital assets. This platform is designed based on 2-layer blockchain, which aims to give users easy access to their assets and reduce transaction costs.
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
Good morning, I hope you have a good day. What do you think about this view?
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
Feel the peace here
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
As a new approach in the Internet world, Ethereum is trying to change the way applications work in the digital world.
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
Base is known as the base for products such as the Coinbase exchange and an open ecosystem for people who want to create scalable solutions and various decentralized applications on the Ethereum network.
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
Masks that help them reach their goal, which can be anything, and let's not forget that masked movie characters are usually special characters and of course lovable.
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
Bal masqué is a type of celebration in which guests participate in disguises and masks. One of the characteristics of the masquerade party is that the people participating in it are not recognized. Masquerade parties and ceremonies have a historical origin in the European continent
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
In the 19th century, when Ada Lovelace was able to design an algorithm for Charles Babaji's Analytical Machine, she claimed the title of the world's first programmer. In the 1940s, with the invention of the Turing machine by a British mathematician, a great revolution took place in the field of programming.
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roham🐹🎩 pfp
Stalinist architecture, sometimes called the socialist classical style or the Stalinist imperial style, was a style of architecture used in the construction of buildings during the rule of Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union.
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