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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
1/2 Ok question for the ETH tech community: why don’t we have lots more precompiles? For example, I can’t do Ed25519 in a smart contract due to precision/scale issues, but could make it a precompile that nodes could run. As long as the gas fee is high enough to deter frequent use, is there a drawback?
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
2/2 Put differently, is there reasons to not make available high computational cost functions as precompiles as long as we price them efficiently? Or, are we risking increasing the specs for nodes too much if we start adding these? Maybe I’m not fully grasping the role of precompiles.
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RoboCopsGoneMad pfp
It's more a question of adoption and support. For instance, BLS curves have been on the shortlist for a while, but still aren't available. Each crypto primitive we make available in the evm (regardless if via opcode or precompile) increases a support and testing radius, vs. demand.
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