welter.eth pfp
what happened to writing in cursive? i thought that was the future when i was in 3rd grade
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Trish🫧✈️🎩 pfp
It’s an elective now. I don’t love it because there is a lot of evidence pen to paper helps many people retain information. My daughter and I both fall in that category. Still there are so many new things kids are required to learn, mastering cursive had to fall
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Ryan J. Shaw 🎩😆 pfp
Ryan J. Shaw 🎩😆
Anything that causes you to focus on the information works! I read Harry Lorayne's Memory book years ago, and taught myself how to memorize half a deck of cards on a 2hr flight - no cursive involved! And I'm aphantasic!
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Trish🫧✈️🎩 pfp
I’m happy that works for YOU but not true for anyone Pen to paper that helps me and my daughter and many others understand. I’ve often found assignments calling for rote memorization to be the antithetical to learning Obviously this isn’t always the case. But the thing is different brains learn differently.
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