rish pfp
gm first week of self employment sit rep -- - upside: love the full day heads down time to write code (was in meetings all day in all of my previous jobs) - downside: kinda miss seeing more people during the day
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Liang @ degencast.wtf 🎩 pfp
Liang @ degencast.wtf 🎩
@unlonely stream while working
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Matthew pfp
if you want to cowork at a coffee shop one day i’ll be around :)
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Adam Zadikoff pfp
Adam Zadikoff
We’re here! Just ping us for a quick gm
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Shane Mac pfp
Shane Mac
Stoked for you man. If you ever need anything, even an ear when things are feeling tough or lonely or even lost, that’s all just part of the journey… just message me. Always happy to listen.
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↑ j4ck 🥶 icebreaker.xyz ↑ pfp
↑ j4ck 🥶 icebreaker.xyz ↑
definitely a different rhythm to get into FC + IRL office + events has satisfied this need for me
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YB pfp
wework might be a move some days of the week. i'm 7 months into self-employment and try to stick to a schedule on which days I go into a cafe. def has helped having a consistent routine
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Mark pfp
Agreed - the isolation is far and away the worst part of wfh.
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mentor.eth pfp
You've discovered something about your personality, sounds easy enough to solve depending on what satisfies your psychological needs. Coworking space, work from semi social space (bouldering halls), cowork with another freelancer. I am against coffeeshops against loneliness, you don't connect there.
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