Rich Pepe pfp

Rich Pepe


66 Following

Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
Don’t hesitate to check zklink allocation page, you might be surprised. Also, Taiko’s claim page is online now.
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Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
Doing boring Linea tasks, this is so freaking endless.
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Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
Over Protocol or so called Over Wallet didn't go well with OKX and they found a shitty and no-name exchange to do KYC...
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Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
See what I meant? Those Galxe tasks are pretty worthless, however, they give you a chance to continue on mainnet. Which reminds me that Zeta did the same thing, snapshot was taken ages ago and they still kept asking users to do campaigns and tasks…
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Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
Good news, holograph will redistribute unclaimed airdrops to users who claimed via Bybit, based on a prorate %%%. However, this additional airdrop has a locking period which will be unlocked around mid of June
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Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
You can now check your Taiko allocation. No need to sign anything
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Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
There won't be any airdrop for Taiko Testnet users, not the way you think.
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Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
If you have issues with Linea dashboard, you can check via their API, which can be obtained by viewing the network of that dashboard page
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Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
Spot yourself from this photo
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Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
Developed a small program to display $BTC and $ETH prices, can also monitor the current gas fee on Ethereum
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Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
Okay, let's talk about Trustlab's Sybil score, this is not the score you see on the front-end, this is actually an API behind the scenes. A lot of users said they have pretty good scores but are not eligible for Starknet airdrop.
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Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
This is how I DCA and build my portfolio
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Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
Don't miss the last chance to order the Solana mobile, you will gain potential rewards as well
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Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
The code of Ledger Wallet Kit is compromised, might also include the Ledger Wallet. Do not use your Ledger wallet and do not interact with any Dapps with Ledger Connector for now.
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Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
If you are farming Linea, don't forget to revoke your approvals, there are some projects that have issues.
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Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
I have a strong feeling that inflation is also affecting risk assets now, which makes risk assets growing but probably cannot even cover the inflation rate. We know that inflation rate is calculated based on numerous products, from cucumber to estate.
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Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
Bit confusing now, how can I connect to other apps if I don't have warps
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Rich Pepe pfp
Rich Pepe
Am I doing this right?
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