rhetorik pfp



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rhetorik pfp
fwiw - my alt thesis has been this all run: narrative for this cycle start was obviously BTC ETF, correct? not BTC maxi bs re: its fundamental thesis - it’s just straight to the point ‘I believe number go up, give me access’ so why invest in anything else other than cult-backed ‘number go up’? (read:memes)
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rhetorik pfp
I’m not gonna lie. I kinda wish I just did my alt on farcaster so I didn’t feel any type of way about what I shill 🥲
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rhetorik pfp
after all the crypto social grifting last cycle, it’s amazing to see this come together and actually work early incentives are going to creat incredible communities over time
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rhetorik pfp
I’ve switched to only my alt on Twitter for crypto related banter, but feel like I can keep the main on here as there isn’t any crossover
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rhetorik pfp
it’s time
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rhetorik pfp
need some good follow reccs on here was reluctant to actually participate after securing my name, but X is borderline unusable
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