remnynt pfp



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remnynt pfp
this piece is starting to take form
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remnynt pfp
color blending techniques: opaque / spectral.js / RGB / HSL / LCH
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remnynt pfp
chasing the sublime constrained by pixels
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remnynt pfp
when i start seeing beautiful places i want to visit, to live in, i know i'm onto something.
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remnynt pfp
recursive abstraction. love how it feels almost painterly, until you look closer and see cold hard pixels with no anti-aliasing.
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remnynt pfp
teaching a machine to paint, one pixel at a time
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remnynt pfp
some sketches from today 🧐 using snowball + spectral.js
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remnynt pfp
new pfp. my pixel Rem Terraform will always be a part of my on-chain identity ❤️‍🔥 now, let the emergent chaos become me, with this blessed paint monster i minted: Proscenium #59
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remnynt pfp
Forced myself to mint, or risked losing the next week generating seeds. Really great work, in love. Congrats Erik and @verse on a truly special collection <3 Autoscope #46 by @erikswahn
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remnynt pfp
showcasing some of the best emergent chaos in the algorithm - at least my personal favorite - when an unpredictable style like Stack Overflow combines with a Rift (in this case, Internal). Proscenium #326
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remnynt pfp
back from vacation with the family, getting back to work with a sketch ✍️
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remnynt pfp
happy Easter - at least the whole eggs and bunny part 🐣
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remnynt pfp
the code unique to Proscenium built on top of Snowball will be private to collectors only for now, so please let me know if you’re interested
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remnynt pfp
Hello Snowball. Open sourced and UNLICENSED the hand-rolled WebGL engine I created for Proscenium.
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remnynt pfp
imagination and determination are undefeated. genuinely, unironically. i love how the magic system in Frieren is a metaphor for life - if you can't visualize the magic you want to see in the world, you can't make it happen. tear down your mental barriers and break free. - a note to my younger self
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remnynt pfp
Proscenium 𝙞𝙨 software art. Not art 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 software. And that's the point.
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remnynt pfp
I designed a new mechanism to address some of the pain points between tokens and the physical prints produced from them. Proscenium print thread here with all the details ↓
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remnynt pfp
Proscenium Prints: - 16 x 26 inches, giclée on canvas over wood frame - collectors only - base price $300, doubles every print of that token (300, 600, 1200, 2400, etc) Prevents "utility" drain from token, collectors never denied a print, and prints can't have a runaway supply. ↓
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remnynt pfp
my favorite life hack is being an anime protagonist
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remnynt pfp
"The Beach" 🌊 Proscenium #66 felt overwhelmed not owning this. had to collect. feeling relieved. might end up being the first to have two prints made, one for me, and one for my mom on her birthday 🥰
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