arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp

arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy


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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
Farcaster makes me feel simultaneously more FOMO and more dumb than cryptotwitter. Honestly its kind of impressive.
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
So I have gotten a couple of these and I only give them the time of day because it isn’t Twitter. But I still don’t know if I should trust them.
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
I've just published an article (I've branded it "Tammy Investigates" after my PFP) on a good DePin token. Feedback appreciated!
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
Do any maxi’s out there want to suggest easy to understand resources related to Bitcoin’s ability to scale in future? I’ve recently read Lyn Alden’s “Broken Money”, which makes me more bullish on the ideas, but not sure where to go to better expand my understanding.
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
Ladies, can someone introduce me to a dev? Toying with the idea of launching an NFT collection with “clothes” (buy base NFT and fuse with “clothes” NFT to make something cute). Not sure who to network with.
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
So are we going to talk about the ABC investigation?
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
This just about broke my brain. Skeptical on RWA, but bullish on the shady grey area just short of RWA
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
This just about broke my brain. Skeptical on RWA, but bullish on the shady grey area just short of RWA
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
Where’s the lie though
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
It took them a while but the government finally did something!?!? Motion moved by the Independents.
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
Currrntly listening to @laurashin interviewing @dwr.eth. My inner geek loves to hear clever people speak.
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
Rekt Gang is here. You don’t know what’s about to hit you, FarCaster.
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
Yaaaassss Rekt Gang is on FarCaster and none of you know what is coming.
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
[Discussion Thread] Favourite crypto (or crypto adjacent) book? You can’t say “The Bitcoin Standard”!
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
Not even halfway through Lyn Alden’s “Broken Money” and I am floored at her nuanced, balanced and logical conclusions about the history of financial technology. It’s part of my broader journey to really understand the forces that gave rise to cryptocurrency.
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
Me pressing the pretty buttons on the frames:
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
What are the odds I find a tax consultant for crypto this year? 🫠
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
I am just a potato on the internet, but watching the crypto big brains on this platform sure is eye opening
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
Over on Twitter I did regular threads called “Tammy Investigates” (named after my NFT avatar). I’ve ported them over to Paragraph now. I would love some thoughts.
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arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy  pfp
arl3n3.eth | Rekt Tammy
Books on my desk. What are the odds that the no-coiners at work will notice that one is not like the others …?
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