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reka pfp
what are Frames? over the weekend a new feature @farcaster dropped with many use cases and opportunities like bounties and hackatons already built on it. if you were outside or asleep, don't miss out, here is what you need to know:
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reka pfp
what it is: turn casts into interactive apps. embedded buttons, actions, even payments, like mini-sites in your feed. for the "warpcast is a twitter clone" people, this is a tangible treat for how it's going to be radically different. docs:
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Phunk 🎩 pfp
Phunk 🎩
This is a really great overview of the Frame scene so far. Its amazing how much has happened so quickly. I feel grateful to have been able to watch this evolve, its happening at breakneck speed. Thanks for this, there was some stuff you covered here that I had missed. 222 $degen
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