Daniel McGlynn
At first I thought the fragmentation of social media would be a positive thing. But right now I feel like I can choose what reality I want to plug into by choosing the social platform I open in the morning. I'm all about different styles and different kind of content or fresh perspectives and unheard voices. But actually choosing what version of the world you want to interact with feels, well, dystopian. I think we need to have some kind of shared experience that we can all believe is real, otherwise...what happens?
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Reid DeRamus
I think this is one of the more fascinating dynamics playing out on the internet right now. Not totally related to your point, but I've been thinking about how much harder it's becoming to build an audience and paying customers for new consumer products. It used to be as simple as building a social following and running paid ads on a few large platforms — that's becoming a less viable strategy each day. Still one of my favorite posts on the topic: https://www.noahpinion.blog/p/the-internet-wants-to-be-fragmented
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Daniel McGlynn
That’s a good point. It’s like revenge of the niche
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Reid DeRamus
That's a great title for something!
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