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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
My goals for /farcastles haven't changed. I've just been slowly learning how to articulate them. I have no real talent for developing or creating of my own so I'm relying on the combined efforts of the community to bring the brand to life (CC0, open-source). My preference would be to do as Satoshi did with Bitcoin or Dom Hoffman did with Loot and gift it to the internet. However, I understand that I need to do some initial lifting to get the brand off the ground so that others who build with, alongside, or on top of it can benefit from it as well. So here are the next tangible steps I'm taking: 1. Bringing the game onchain: Edit has been working on bringing the game onchain so that my desire for open-source is met while also satisfying his concern for security. 2. Experiments: I want to inspire others to build fun, non-financialized experiences for their community. The best way to do that is to build other successful cases. I totally expect some to fail, but I love experimenting in this weird little corner.
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Chase Sommer pfp
Chase Sommer
I'm still learning about /farcastles, but from my initial investigation it seems almost like an onchain Discord bot - there's some really advanced RPG ones in there. I'm assuming I'm missing a lot of it still. Excited to chat about it l8r
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