Robert Atkins pfp

Robert Atkins


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Robert Atkins pfp
Robert Atkins
*cough*, still here.
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Robert Atkins pfp
Robert Atkins
Anyone know what happened to the Damus Nostr client? Last I saw Apple had rejected their submission on the grounds they didn’t have a plan to deal with abuse on “their” platform, now the TestFlight’s cancelled.
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Robert Atkins pfp
Robert Atkins
Twitter’s 3rd party app API is down, which means Tweetbot doesn’t work, and it’s killing me.
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Robert Atkins pfp
Robert Atkins
The author of Mindcraft’s end poem is having a crack at describing the universe in a way that hasn’t been allowed for the last 500 years:
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Robert Atkins pfp
Robert Atkins
mc (And I’ll be disappointed if the icon for this post doesn’t turn into a Christmas tree.)
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Robert Atkins pfp
Robert Atkins
Sorry to harp on about this but people obviously want threads despite the UI for reading them being irritating.
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Robert Atkins pfp
Robert Atkins
I think “threads” are a legit construct for Microblogging (for want of a better word) platforms and I think Twitter’s model is superior to Farcaster’s. There I said it.
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Robert Atkins pfp
Robert Atkins
I think I understand what nostr is and if I do, it points to a gaping, unsolved hole in the protocol ecosystem—identity. DNS sucks. The Internet needs permissionless identity infrastructure usable by muggles and access to it needs to be integrated into (mobile) OSes. And Apple won’t do it. We’re fucked.
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Robert Atkins pfp
Robert Atkins
Anyone remember Adium? I fear few enough that we are going to replicate the mistakes that made it necessary in the first place.
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Robert Atkins pfp
Robert Atkins
Farcaster app UI feedback: the way Tweetbot presents threads (with each branch serially on the same screen, rather than pushing another view controller all the time) is a much smoother experience, at the risk of losing some conceptual purity.
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Robert Atkins pfp
Robert Atkins
Medium-confidence prediction: High profile Mastodon instance blows up due to legal issue/GDPR/law enforcement/hack/moderator burnout and effectively kills Mastodon’s reputation before Twitter suffers any meaningful downtime.
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Robert Atkins pfp
Robert Atkins
GM like this.
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Robert Atkins pfp
Robert Atkins
Oh I see, if the first two letters of your cast are “gm”, the client replaces the heart with a “GM” button.
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Robert Atkins pfp
Robert Atkins
@bot let me drink from the faucet?
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Robert Atkins pfp
Robert Atkins
There was a magical time when social media meant hearing when an old friend/colleague/travelling companion/schoolmate was coming through town and I could meet up with them for a beer. How do we get that back without creating another Zuckerberg?
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