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We have launched a part two of our legendary ZK Book: Bulletproofs: Zero Knowledge Proofs for Inner Product Arguments This work spans 11 chapters, but by chapter 8 you'll code your own working Bulletproof if you do the accompanied exercises! The first chapter is here: rareskills.io/post/bulletproofs-zk 3 chapters are posted, we'll post one new one daily until completion.
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Day 2 of the Solana Course is up: how to do arithmetic in Rust and Solana while accounting for overflow and compute costs. rareskills.io/post/rust-arithmetic-operators
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Yesterday we launched an Ethereum to Solana course. Unlike other courses, this assumes you already know Solidity and Ethereum development at the intermediate level. We help you reuse knowledge rather than start over. Check it out RareSkills.io/solana-tutorial This was made possible by a grant from @solanafoundation
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Who we are: RareSkills helps experienced web3 engineers learn hard subjects efficiently. Our free resources include - a full walkthrough of Uniswap V2, Compound V3, and Tornado Cash - huff puzzles to learn EVM - Circom puzzles to learn zk - the zk book: how to build a zk prover and verifier from scratch. And more!
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