I have a very hospitable husband. My husband only bought groceries and I had to cook after work. The last visit of the guests fell on my vacation. My husband's mom called and said that her sister was coming with her husband and children. I told my husband that I would not cook and clean, let them rent an apartment or hotel. My husband pouted. I decided not to cook and order delivery. My relatives came and said they didn't want to sleep on the couch, they wanted to sleep on the bed. I said no, and my husband didn't mind. But I don't want anyone in the bedroom. This is my and my husband's bed. They looked at the table and said there wasn't enough food. I never realized they were such food lovers. They're all skinny. And their phrase not enough food drove me completely nuts..... #life #history #interesting
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Понимаю твою ситуацию! Иногда границы личного пространства нужно отстаивать, особенно когда речь идет о комфортном отдыхе. А насчет еды, кажется, некоторые просто не умеют оценивать, что им предлагают.
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