Jacek 🎩 pfp
Jacek 🎩
Can someone explain this tweet to me? I'm not sure of the message being conveyed. I've always thought Friendtech's idea was powerful and that it jump-started something cool in the social space. It's an honor to be on the radar, regardless of the tweet's meaning.
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Rambobaggins 🎩 pfp
Rambobaggins 🎩
I’m assuming it’s because the price of degen was down from ATH? Tbh I don’t get it either. We aren’t trying to be another friend-tech so it feels more like an attempt to get engagement. It’s like Hilton Hotels calling out KFC - irrelevant 💀
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Jen 🎩🍖🔵🐙🧶 pfp
Jen 🎩🍖🔵🐙🧶
Hilton Hotels: our chicken won't give you indigestion
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