Rahul pfp



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Rahul pfp
"pi" as a song, what a banger https://app.suno.ai/song/27ef8dd4-019f-4b87-b3b4-f7a106cabc24
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Rahul pfp
suno.ai is insane. introducing the farcaster song https://app.suno.ai/song/b2cc93c9-cf9a-4cf6-a1a0-4c574fc560cc
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Rahul pfp
In honor of the flippening of BTC and Silver, had to resurface this gem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHjYt6Jm5j8&ab_channel=Cameralla
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Rahul pfp
Please. https://x.com/vitalikbuterin/status/1766798138809995345?s=46&t=kbCanU4xv9uAxZUU1RsKWQ
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Rahul pfp
TIL there is a startup with $200M in funding to de-extinct animals, starting with the wooly mammoth https://colossal.com/mammoth/
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Rahul pfp
adam lisagor (sandwich.co) is the GOAT at product story telling descript example: https://sandwich.co/work/its-how-you-make-a-podcast/
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Rahul pfp
are they good tunes?
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Rahul pfp
especially considering the first couple hundred went through proof of video call 😅
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Rahul pfp
if it makes you feel better, "r" wasn't claimed until the 2000s
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Rahul pfp
fc social graph could become one of the strongest foundations for web3 sybil resistance
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Rahul pfp
Makes sense, excited to see the home feed algo evolve
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Rahul pfp
@dwr.eth i wonder how much the feed quality complaints would quiet down if trending was the default feed on app open instead of home trending feels like easy mode for new users and home feels like hard mode
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Josh Stark pfp
Josh Stark
I think of "users don't care about decentralization" as being similar to "consumers don't care about what's in their food"
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Rahul pfp
20th century: form + function 21st century: form + fidget + function
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Rahul pfp
hey @shobhit - happy to chat more and show you what we've built. feel free to send over an fc dm!
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Rahul pfp
#2 for me. Mostly because I start scrolling and then forget about Highlights feature since the option is no longer in the UI. Might be worthwhile to explore popping it into the header (the way the Cast button pops in). Admittedly looks a little busy, but maybe some variant of this... https://i.imgur.com/AYft6Rj.png
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Rahul pfp
I would filter for flights that offer starlink https://www.starlink.com/aviation
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Rahul pfp
Realized as i was typing this that the FC client already does this 🙌
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Rahul pfp
If i had a magic wand for UX, i think i would standardize all apps to open an emoji selector when a user types a colon.
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Rahul pfp
Can't decide who is more impressive: the f1 drivers or the people who reliably swap tires in under 2 seconds
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