Akbar pfp



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Akbar pfp
"Markhor" is a large species of wild goat native to South and Central Asia. Some locals consider "snake spit" or mouth saliva as a very valuable antidote.
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Akbar pfp
Exercise is good for health. I invite everyone to exercise daily in the Flower Club.
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Akbar pfp
Selena Gomez is an American singer, actress and producer of her famous song: love you like love song baby
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Akbar pfp
Polar White Land is also a place to visit and requires a 15-day trip
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Akbar pfp
Natcoin Telegram token was listed and sold in some exchanges today.
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Akbar pfp
The cycling race will have a winner
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Akbar pfp
If you want to find the brave, look for those who are able to forgive, and if you want to find heroes, look for those who can love in the face of hatred. Bhagavadgyta
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Akbar pfp
How enjoyable and relaxing this season is.
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Akbar pfp
Can you tell me about Alpha Faraz?
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Akbar pfp
Underwater life has a world that can be studied by scientists
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Akbar pfp
It’s your lucky day. I have an invite code to AlfaFrens: Sc6RzQ
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Akbar pfp
Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends Alphonse de la Martin
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Akbar pfp
Telegram currency ready to be listed in exchangesπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ƒ
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Akbar pfp
In this relaxing atmosphere, nature revives and a new season is created
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Akbar pfp
Please eat a banana
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Akbar pfp
Get ready to fly
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Akbar pfp
These two currencies should be monitored this week because they are ready to rise. Toncoin Rndr
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Akbar pfp
Teacher: Tell me where is Africa? Student (crying) Sir, why do you ask me why everything is lost! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
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Akbar pfp
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Akbar pfp
Risotto is one of the most delicious Italian dishes in the north of this country. This dish is made with cream and rich in cheese, with typical northern rice such as Arborio, Carnaroli, and Vialon, and cooked in meat broth. One of the most popular types of Italian risotto is "Risotto alla Milanese".
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