🐰 pfp



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🐰 pfp
do you want money to be more relevant or irrelevant?
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🐰 pfp
you’re not here to answer to anybody you’re here with write permissions only
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🐰 pfp
as unlikely as it seems we should be prepared for aliens coming here. for example we could pretend we don't understand what they're saying and when they get frustrated we start drawing circles like that Arrival movie but any time they try to do it we just get mad
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🐰 pfp
a busy mind constantly engaging will persuade you to not be happy with any progress cause it slowly breaks your ability to sit with the present and recognize progress has been made
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🐰 pfp
social media is best when we're talking to each other and not about each other
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🐰 pfp
secret opinion: social media as we know it is dead. the format is misfit for the times but hobbles along as it’s all we’ve come to expect
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🐰 pfp
sometimes you go diving for insight and surface with mostly nothing new just confirmation you should slice up your doubts
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🐰 pfp
been said before but when it's hitting it hits: fuck the haters
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🐰 pfp
barrier to being a compelling storyteller is lowering which means we’re likely about to be introduced to a wave of prodigies and masters
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🐰 pfp
Uranus. this is a real place 😍 new photo from JWST https://i.imgur.com/yBXomkn.jpg
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🐰 pfp
being trans is just foreign enough, right on the edge of relatable, that most will eyes-down mind-own-business while their livelihoods are taken by those who angrily oppose the insignificant difference
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🐰 pfp
those reports like β€œstudents don’t know what files or folders are”? turns out that’s the floating tip of a deep glacier
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🐰 pfp
unpredictable changes/roadmaps is poor ux. for apps like twitter where peoples livelihoods depend on assurances, it’s a privilege to be able to regard it only as good fun or zany entertainment
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🐰 pfp
what’s your mission? why do you suppose the universe gifted you these next few years?
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🐰 pfp
don't believe any invention/policy/advancement can save the world. only mutual understanding, self reliance, shared health can
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🐰 pfp
you know what you're supposed to do, or that you should be more diligent, but being honest how well do you secure your keys?
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🐰 pfp
if you’re ever in a dark meaningless space my no bs dms are open. we all go through hell (keep going)
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🐰 pfp
I have a home (a new normal)
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🐰 pfp
in hindsight nomading for weeks then sealing the deal on a place in colorado during ethdenver build week was a great (non) decision πŸ‘ŒπŸ»
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🐰 pfp
story of tech is slowly inventing a simulated world game and designing a player mechanic that buffers btwn what people understand and nature needs (?)
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