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Qwert Luiop
Correlation Correlation is your key to understanding how assets move together. It's a statistical measure that shows how two assets are connected, ranging from -1 (perfect negative correlation) to +1 (perfect positive correlation). Imagine it like a dance. When assets move in sync (+1), it's a smooth, coordinated routine. If they move independently (0), it's like two solo performers. But when they go in opposite directions (-1), it’s a striking counterbalance. Correlation does matter as it helps traders: - Diversify portfolios to minimize risk - Predict potential downturns and market movements - Craft strategies like arbitrage and hedging - Analyze market trends and sentiment over time For instance, Bitcoin and Ethereum often mirror each other, moving in sync, while Bitcoin and gold sometimes take opposite paths. Understanding these correlations can sharpen your trading decisions and strategies. Master the art of correlation to gain an edge in crypto trading.
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