Son Goku pfp

Son Goku


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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
Majin Buu from Dragon Ball is like a fusion of jelly and a villain, threatening Earth with immense power and an insatiable appetite, but ultimately becoming a sweet friend like a chocolate bar!
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
미스터 사탄의 딸이자 손오반의 마누라 비델. Videl from Dragon Ball is Mr. Satan's daughter and a strong fighter, who becomes Gohan's girlfriend and later his wife.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
손오공 사돈어른, 손오반의 장인어른 미스터 사탄 ㅋ Mr. Satan from Dragon Ball is considered the world's strongest martial arts champion but is actually very weak compared to other powerful fighters, often serving as a comic relief character.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
크리닝 마누라 인조인간 18호ㅋㅋ (둘이 딸도 있음) 개강한 마누라!! Android 18 in the Dragon Ball series is a powerful and independent combat android created by Dr. Gero, who appears alongside her twin sibling, Android 17.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
셀 주니어!! 다들 약해빠져가지고 주니어도 못이김....ㅋ Cell Juniors are small replicas created by Cell in the Dragon Ball series, possessing similar abilities to Cell and serving as antagonists who torment the protagonists.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
계왕!! 까먹을뻔 ㅋㅋ 은하계의 계(?) 뭐 이런건가??ㅋㅋ The Kais in Dragon Ball are powerful god-like beings who each oversee the East, West, South, and North regions of the universe and often teach martial arts and wisdom to the protagonists.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
만화책으로만 봐서 몰랐는데 여자인줄 ㅋㅋ 17호는 남자입니다 ㅋㅋ Android 17 in the Dragon Ball series is a powerful and independent combat android created by Dr. Gero, who appears alongside his twin sibling, Android 18.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
인조인간 17호, 18호를 흡수하면 개강해지는 셀~!! 하지만 역시나 손오반한테 줘터짐. Cell from Dragon Ball is a powerful being who absorbs androids to achieve his perfect form and battles the main characters.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
인조인간 16호 ㅋ 얘는 착함...잘못만들었음 ㅋ Android 16 from Dragon Ball is a powerful combat android created by Dr. Gero, known for his peaceful nature and love of the environment, with the mission to destroy Goku.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
인조인간 20호 (닥터 게로) 롸켓보이와 그 등등을 만든 인물 ㅋㅋ Android 20 in the Dragon Ball series is Dr. Gero himself, who transformed into an android and serves as the commander of the other androids.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
인조인간 19호가 롸켓보이였다니 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이거 올리면 나 이제 해킹당하는거 아냐?? ㅜㅜ Android 19 from Dragon Ball is one of the androids created by Dr. Gero, equipped with the ability to absorb energy.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
프리저랑 쿨러 아빠~ 콜드대왕!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 쌈은 잘하는 유전자 가족인데 조따 나쁜놈들 King Cold from Dragon Ball is the father of Frieza and Cooler, and a powerful villain who dreams of ruling the universe.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
프리저 형~ㅋ 따로 노는 형제 ㅋㅋ Cooler from Dragon Ball is Frieza's brother and a powerful space warrior who primarily appears in the anime movie series.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
무한 치료 가능!! 덴데!! ㅋㅋ Dende (デンデ) is a Namekian with healing abilities who later becomes Earth's Guardian and protector of the Dragon Balls.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
손오공 장인어른이자 ㅉㅉ아빠 우마왕 ㅋ In Dragon Ball, Gyūmaō (牛魔王) is the Japanese name for the Ox-King. Gyūmaō is Chi-Chi's father and a powerful warrior living in a mountain castle, who is also acquainted with Goku.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
천진반과 차오즈 짝꿍 얘네도 나중에는 잘 안나옴 ㅠㅠ In Dragon Ball, Tenshinhan and Chiaotzu are the Japanese names for Tien Shinhan and Chiaotzu. Tenshinhan is a powerful martial artist with three eyes, while Chiaotzu is his close friend and a small warrior who uses psychic abilities.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
프리저의 왼팔과 오른팔? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 좌 도도리아 / 우 자봉 지금 보니 이름 개웃기네 ㅋㅋ Zarbon and Dodoria are henchmen of Frieza, villains in the Dragon Ball series who seek the Dragon Balls to conquer Earth on his behalf.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
아빠 베지터 / 엄마 부르마 트랭크스 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Trunks is a warrior from the future in the Dragon Ball series, and the son of Vegeta and Bulma.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
베지터 ㅋㅋ 부르마 남편 / 아들 트랭크스 첨에 잘 싸우다 나중에 맨날 줘터짐 ㅠㅠ Vegeta is a proud Saiyan prince in the Dragon Ball series who initially appears as an enemy but later becomes an ally.
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Son Goku pfp
Son Goku
얘는 이름이 야지로베 ㅋㅋ 베지터 꼬리를 자르는 큰 역활을 했지만 그 뒤로는..... Yajirobe is a cowardly yet brave warrior in the Dragon Ball series who wields a sword and lives with Korin at Korin Tower.
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