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Philip L. Yoong, DDS
For those who workout in the early morning, what steps do you take before you get to the gym to make it a successful session??
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Colin Charles
Ideally drink 500ml of water. If I feel hungry, a banana, or full boiled egg or a protein shake (this is extremely rare).
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Basically this - hydrate, protein, and a bit more time warming up and stretching the muscles
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Philip L. Yoong, DDS
Appreciate this @illuminary and @bytebot! The thing I struggle with is also trying to do intermittent fasting (so AM workout at ~4:30am and first meal around 12pm). I hydrate and use LMNT to help in the morning, but usually that’s it 😅
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Colin Charles
I believe Huberman mentions that you’re not actually kicked out of IF if you do a workout and have a little oat butter or something. I don’t know how true this is, but it sounds plausible. My earliest workout is 6/7.15am, I can wake up around 4.30. But I am not regular with IF (just when I feel like it)
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