Mac Budkowski πŸ₯ pfp
Mac Budkowski πŸ₯
What do you think about Worldcoin?
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Nicholas Charriere pfp
Nicholas Charriere
trying to solve an important and hard problem. not solving it well, and concerned about that last part.
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Mac Budkowski πŸ₯ pfp
Mac Budkowski πŸ₯
Why do you think theyre not solving it well (genuine question since I only know they scan the eyeballs)
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Nicholas Charriere pfp
Nicholas Charriere
I think biometrics have very serious negatives in the security space. There's a few good blog posts about it, like:
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max πŸ€πŸ’ pfp
max πŸ€πŸ’
It’s worth noting that while we are focused on biometrics initially, we plan to allow people to verify through other means later, like web of trust.
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Thumbs Up 🎩 pfp
Thumbs Up 🎩
This article is a good argument against something like worldcoin but overall it’s not great with respect to its points about phone/laptop logins. (Explained below)
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Mac Budkowski πŸ₯ pfp
Mac Budkowski πŸ₯
wtf I thought this stuff is only possible in fantasy books
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