Varun Srinivasan
Yesterday, @betashop.eth raised some feedback about FC: 1. Apps should be able to invite users 2. FC should help devs succeed 3. Protocol changes should have a feedback process @dwr.eth and I agree with all this. We tend to speak with both FC and WC hats which can be confusing. So let me address this from FC’s POV.
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Jason Goldberg Ⓜ️ 💜
Great doc, thanks!
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Jason Goldberg Ⓜ️ 💜
Any thoughts on Farcaster having more of a presence at ETH hackathons? It would help all of us to have more developers building on Farcaster and more awareness in the Ethereum community
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Nicholas Charriere
My experience with ETH-global is that teams just build ridiculous frankenstein things to farm prizes. It's the developer equivalent of airdrop farming. I do think hackathons can be done better, but I would suggest building one from the ground up, small in size, sponsored by @purple , and more boutique.
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Chu Ka-Cheong
My experience in ETH Tokyo: it is easy to farm prize to cover your travel, and surely there are ppl who optimize for prize. But it is still an effective way to get dev from worldwide to try your things. The question: will more dev help Farcaster grow?
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Jason Goldberg Ⓜ️ 💜
Maybe was the case in the past during bull market but wasn’t that vibe at Tokyo last week and in previous bear markets Devs who show up in bear markets are looking to build No offense but I think it’s ridiculous to think a home grown hackathon is the way to go rn. We need to be part...
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