pugson pfp
heard people wanted a farcaster client with a fundamentally different experience. something is cooking πŸ“² NFT holders will get priority access to the beta & will support development. https://mint.highlight.xyz/644726c0ca34478d8aeda889
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jcdenton.cast pfp
Just minted 6/100 πŸš€ https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x54f81a09021c21a5b968c2b46ccc57d974a26965/6
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Mac Budkowski πŸ₯ pfp
Mac Budkowski πŸ₯
Normal apps: Here's the access to our beta, we hope someone will use it πŸ™ Farcaster: If you want to use it, you'd better be on the allowlist 🧐 Pugson's new client: Bro, you gotta pay $40 to even open this shit 😎
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frdysk | 0.78% pfp
frdysk | 0.78%
Gas so high right now 🫨
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Jesse Pollak πŸ”΅ pfp
Jesse Pollak πŸ”΅
minted πŸ”₯
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Greg pfp
I am indeed a curious mind who want to see it differently 🀌 minting
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Ayush pfp
Hoping it's for Android too πŸ₯Ί
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anthony pfp
🫑 🫑 🫑
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Kazi βš”οΈ pfp
Kazi βš”οΈ
Romulan ship de-cloaking πŸ«‘πŸš€
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grin↑ pfp
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kevin pfp
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j4ck πŸ₯Άβ†‘πŸŽ© icebreaker pfp
j4ck πŸ₯Άβ†‘πŸŽ© icebreaker
0.0212 man this client better be lit af
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max πŸ€πŸ’ pfp
max πŸ€πŸ’
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Nico.cast🎩  pfp
*pull ledger out*
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bun.lockb 🟣 pfp
bun.lockb 🟣
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blobs pfp
can't wait to try it!! chain://eip155:1/erc721:0x54f81a09021c21a5b968c2b46ccc57d974a26965/21
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
farcaster vision see it differently πŸ‘€
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frdysk | 0.78% pfp
frdysk | 0.78%
@moar πŸ‘οΈ
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