pugson pfp
why hasn’t visa or mastercard made a payment method that doesn’t expire? having to plug in a new card in all these places after the old one expires is so annoying.
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🪷 pfp
Stripe addresses this to some degree. Wonder what stops Visa / Mastercard from doing so. https://stripe.com/docs/api/cards/update
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gm8xx8 pfp
bc they don’t care about us Pugson.
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🟢Royal, not Lorde🎩 pfp
🟢Royal, not Lorde🎩
Fraud is my guess. Some services are able to auto update it though, I think PayPal does.
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Kristie pfp
At least you remember to plug the new card, my electricity shut off one day and I called to complain… only to find out I technically didnt pay for three months 😬
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Joe Petrich 🟪 pfp
Joe Petrich 🟪
All the networks do offer a service to merchants they can use to automatically update reissued cards; I guess not all merchants subscribe to it. https://paymentcloudinc.com/blog/account-updater/
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Jason — 🤚🎩🍖🔵 ↑ pfp
Jason — 🤚🎩🍖🔵 ↑
Profits are one hell of a drug
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Stoobe pfp
I figured it was to eventually force recurring payments, etc to get your new approval. But not super confident in that.
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Shane Glynn pfp
Shane Glynn
They have, look up “issuer tokens”. PANs expire due to accumulated fraud risk, tokens can be set to only expire on request.
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