pugson pfp
uploading a csv with 500 million rows to us-east-1
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Mac Budkowski πŸ₯ pfp
Mac Budkowski πŸ₯
how have you scraped the list of twitter accounts blocked by pmarca?
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welter.eth pfp
pls tell us y 500 million rows, very curious
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🎩 MxVoid 🎩 pfp
🎩 MxVoid 🎩
Ser, this is the point where you should consider using a relational database instead of a CSV file.
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Leo Nasskau pfp
Leo Nasskau
Hahahahaha pinecone is shaking
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Jason β€” πŸ€šπŸŽ©πŸ–πŸ”΅ ↑ pfp
Jason β€” πŸ€šπŸŽ©πŸ–πŸ”΅ ↑
Reminds me of unhinged data projects running Python in memory on 200 million rows of data
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WebOfTrustβœ¨πŸ”΄ pfp
ISP hate this guy.
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Alex Loukissas πŸ‰ pfp
Alex Loukissas πŸ‰
You should UPS your hard drive to the data center πŸ˜…
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Emily pfp
Lmk when your computer recovers in a week
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