Quest Game For AI Landmark NFTs Develop quest game starting with a frame for Warpcast that includes Landmarks AIs to be loaded only as pictures and the users have to guess the place by typing the name (or other way) of the point of interest that is depicted. Collection could be found [here]( 5000 USDC for first place Learn more for [Propy]( Take a look at our dApp gateway/explorer here: Dapp Backend: []( Dapp Frontend Codebase: []( Deadline 07/08/2024 @bountybot
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0x94t3z 📟 ✦⁺
Can you be more specific about this quest? What happens if the user guesses correctly? Will the user receive the NFT, or will they just get a fun frame that says "You're correct"?
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Johnny Doe
My version of a quest game with guessing Propy NFT by city or country. Suggestions and bugs found are welcome)
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Marina Ya
@propy @propykeys Is there any results for this Bounty? Very interesting and excited to receive a feedback on my proposal))
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Marina Ya
@propy I made interesting idea for this activity. All details and information about Quest Game for PROPY is in the Notion by the link
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Marina Ya
I have a good idea, I’ll prepare it and return to DL
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Hey i dm'd you yesterday, could you share aspects of this quest game
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