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Time is a great teacher, but, unfortunately, it kills its students. Hector Berlioz Время— великолепный учитель, но, к сожалению, оно убивает своих учеников. Гектор Берлиоз
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What we fear most is not our weakness. Our deepest fear is that we are strong beyond measure. It is our light, not the darkness, that scares us the most. We ask ourselves: "Who am I to be so brilliant, gorgeous, talented and amazing?" But really: why shouldn't you be like that? Your pretense of being small does not serve the world. And when we allow our own light to shine, we subconsciously give permission for others to shine. And if we are free from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Real builders commit, and I just committed 1.59M $BUILD tokens to the BUILD Summer Fund. 🫡
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There are people "sunsets" and people "sunrises" Some with negativity, others with "hello" But those with "hello" are often smiling And those that are "sunsets" are usually unhappy Talking to some people, you feel cold With others, and at seventy, he seems to be young And you are charged with light from some He is not with others around the clock But if you give it to a person – "sunset" A piece of warmth that disappeared once, And not to blame, which is sad at heart, He will also want to warm up and keep warm After all, to people – sunsets, as to people – sunrises, Fortunately, I would like to go get a ticket, But they were just afraid to love selflessly, That's why they were angry and bit painfully And the dawn people are becoming too People with a negative attitude to a cloud of similar When gratitude disappears in the soul, That sky turns sunrises into sunsets I'm on edge sometimes, too But I know, with the dawn, sorrows go away And let someone say, She's with a hello.
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My Proof of Goon for @PlumeNetwork. Come join the Goon fam 👀 #PlumeTestnet #PlumeGoons #GoonSquad
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We are a source of fun-and a mine of sorrow. We are a reservoir of filth and a pure spring. A person, as if in a mirror of the world, has many faces. He is insignificant - and he is immensely great; Why did the Almighty Creator of our bodies not want to grant us immortality? If we are perfect , why do we die? If they are imperfect, then who is the breeder?
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The more sincere you become, the simpler your life becomes, the clearer it is, where to go, what to do. Doubts arise in a confused mind, but if the mind is clear and calm, the heart leads you where you need to go. But to become sincere is to accomplish a feat. Because the world of people, the world of illusions, is built on lies. Nature does not require us to be someone other than ourselves, society does. Since childhood, we have been taught to pretend, to play roles. The matrix says: become comfortable and I will accept you. Become uncomfortable! Go back to your room. Scared? But this is exactly what stands in the way of your freedom and happiness to be yourself
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Don't take everything from life Don't, don't take everything from life. I don't know who came up with the idea that people should try good and evil and "eat" everything that life "carries on a platter." You should not taste other people's gossip, jealousy or envy at all. It happens that after drinking a drop of sadness, you realize that you have no strength left for joy. At least try NOT to take too much: someone else's aggression and boredom. Try to close your soul more tightly from fears, as well as from recklessness. You should not take into your world (and just into the house) narcissistic and unfaithful girls or men with an iron fist, cold and cynically hypocritical. Take love, give thanks in return. Take the good and give it back, multiplying it. Try to take the hope of a quiet light, but avoiding the dirty and false. You turn the wheel of this life as you want (well, at least as you can). Don't, don't take EVERYTHING from life. Take only what you really BELIEVE in.
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That's not how we live… This is not how we live… And we pay attention to the wrong thing. And life takes you away quickly day after day. Не так живем… Совсем не так живем… И не на то вниманье обращаем. А жизнь уносит быстро день за днем.
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The true strength of a person is manifested not in impulses, but in calmness
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All worldly desires cannot be fulfilled, no matter how long you live. The more you have, the more you want. You cannot suppress or fulfill them. Understand the nature of desires and their futility. Become more aware of your true self. Be detached. Be grateful that you are alive and be happy with what you have.
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BE HAPPY. Every morning, meeting the dawn, I'm saying a prayer to myself.: - Rejoice in the sun and rejoice in the light, Ringing winter and amber summer, Do not keep evil and resentment in your soul, Rejoice in the miracle called Life! Enjoy the house and the long roads, Don't give in to worries, worries, Look in the mirror and say with a smile: - Hello, a beauty named Life! Everything that is released from above by fate, Honestly go through and stay yourself, Cherish her every moment, Rejoice in the miracle called Life!
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The world needs you — a living person. Not an ideal person. Not an enlightened person. Not a man is the last truth. Not a car. We all try to look like something, but no one needs a look. The world needs a soul. Point. Existence. It's alive. And the living is not an ideal, not a monument, not a painting. The living is not a two—dimensional plane with only one facade. The living is the river. It is constantly changing, vibrating, three-dimensional… The world needs your mistakes, because mistakes tell you that you are in action… The world needs your sensitivity because it speaks to your search. The world doesn't need your diploma and regalia — it needs your experience. Your hands. Head. Heart. The ability to delve into and understand. The world needs you, not the likeness of someone else.…
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DON'T PROVE ANYTHING TO ANYONE Each person lives in his own mental reality, which is created from his beliefs. Rejection of other people's positions causes negative emotions in us, but if you look at it from the other side, an attempt to prove something is a mirror of what we do not accept in ourselves: – confidence that we know exactly how to do it; – condemning the actions of others as a reflection of self -rejection; – beliefs that are already hopelessly outdated; – subconscious unwillingness to change. Every person has the ability to think and learn from birth, everyone is born in order to get their own life experience: learn to love, think independently, create their own world, prove nothing to anyone, reject nothing, but accept other people's points of view as they are (which does not necessarily mean agreeing with them). Acceptance as the main way to interact with reality When we agree to terms that do not meet our requirements
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Don't judge others...We are all different people, Do not rush to a place where you are not expected at all, After all, an uninvited hinders everyone in fact, Choose the only right route ... Give the good, do not spare the warm words, Do not expect that the answer will be the same, They can give you in return: evil, envy, squabbles, Keep a sincere light in your soul... And do not avenge evil, evil will return - believe me, If someone else is nearby and not your person, To be uncomfortable with such a person is like death... so do not hesitate, but leave is not a sin... Don't give love... for callous people, undoubtedly, They won't understand...they will step over and go further, A wonderful life can be lived with dignity by everyone, Set the only correct route...
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I just completed "Hyperlane Power User" on Layer3 -
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People leave and people come Three eternal words — it was, it is and it will be— Without closing, repeat the circle. A wreath of love, and joy, and torment Young hands will pick up again, When we drop it from our hands. May it be light and blooming, For a new life, following us, To smell all the charm of the earth, How it smelled to us. Don't be afraid of repetition. Both the sacrament of death and the sacrament of birth Blessed with eternal novelty.
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I’ve joined the waitlist for the OneFootball Club ⚽️ 🤝 Come and join the community. Powered by @deform
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Understand that your world is only a reflection of yourself, and stop looking for flaws in the reflection. Поймите, что ваш мир — лишь отражение вас самих, и перестаньте искать недостатки в отражении.
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