Paul Murphy pfp

Paul Murphy


84 Following

Paul Murphy pfp
Paul Murphy
The mythological sibyls weren’t nefarious. They weren’t trying to trick people. They had a role, and over time there were more of them. Anyone know why, in crypto, we started using “sibyl” to mean another manifestation of the same person, usually with less than pure goals?
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Paul Murphy pfp
Paul Murphy
Just explained to a friend that I don't have time for memecoins. I have nothing against them but seems like a lot of work to figure out which are the "good" ones. Much easier buying tokens from projects I think are good.
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Paul Murphy pfp
Paul Murphy
Lucky day: Forgot my iPod case in a hotel and it was at lost and found. Waitress put the wrong order in for me at lunch and manager comped my whole meal. Going to buy a lottery ticket.
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Paul Murphy pfp
Paul Murphy
One of our guys told me he met a prospective client at a meetup and connected with him on LinkedIn, because he was old. 😂
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Paul Murphy pfp
Paul Murphy
Going to run 1/2 in Tromsø in a month. Looooong time since I've run an actual race. Very, very excited about it. Anyone in this group going?
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Paul Murphy pfp
Paul Murphy
Airdrops or airdrips?
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Paul Murphy pfp
Paul Murphy
You need a tribe.
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