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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
if i didn’t have a kid i would have probably gone insane and gotten a divorce by now. to each their own, but for me, my family has had a profoundly positive impact throughout the process of building @fabric
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Pete pfp
Sure but not everyone can sustain a family while pursuing entrepreneurship. For many it’s one of the other, I’m just grateful not to be faced with such ultimatums.
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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
nah, false dichotomy. people can do both if they really want to
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Pete pfp
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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
😂 mind so trapped you can't imagine both being possible concurrently. dream bigger dawg, you’re capable of more than you think. so are many others
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