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timdaub (πŸ₯,🎩) pfp
timdaub (πŸ₯,🎩)
How many protocols have u built?
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Pete pfp
You don’t need a β€œbuilder brain” to know when something isn’t working, slick. I never built an iPhone but I could tell you exactly why nobody wants to buy them anymore lmfao
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max πŸ€πŸ’ pfp
max πŸ€πŸ’
I’m sorry, no one is buying iPhones anymore?
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Pete pfp
*wants* to buy them, iPhone sales are in decline for a reason
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max πŸ€πŸ’ pfp
max πŸ€πŸ’
Is that unique to Apple, or has the market changed?
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Pete pfp
A bit of both. For years consumer sentiment around Apple products in general has gone down tremendously
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max πŸ€πŸ’ pfp
max πŸ€πŸ’
I see the opposite; facing economic headwinds, people drop their non-iPhone purchases more easily https://i.imgur.com/sGJhKPG.jpg
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