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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
What suggestions do you have? I think I’m hearing: (1) open up access, and (2) attract better builders(?). I’m I interpreting that correctly?
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Pete pfp
(1) don’t open access, be more deliberate in recruiting users (2) you don’t need better builders, you need the builders you currently have working on better tools (that provide more value to the protocol)
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
(1) fair perspective (2) do you have specific ideas for the FC builders to consider? I think we can assume everyone is working on the highest potential value ideas they have. I’m positive people would be open to hearing any that you have.
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Pete pfp
Someone needs to rebuild Jobcaster. I think that it could make a huge difference if done right. The way I see it, Farcaster should be the place for all web3 curious to come, explore, learn, and take advantage of opportunities with the least amount of friction.
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Pete pfp
It’s something management should invest more time into, thinking up ideas that could directly benefit the protocols growth and then encouragin/incentivizing devs to build these specific things
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
I don't have the link immediately accessible, but I know Dan has shared a running list of suggested ideas for farcaster apps / businesses.
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Pete pfp
I think maybe Dan should move on from suggesting and start incentivizing, offer bounties if he isn’t already
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
@purple, the FC community DAO, is driving bounties and core has been very supportive of the ecosystem building work purple is doing.
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Pete pfp
Hopefully it all works as you intend it to, Purple sounds good in practice but is it really anything more than just a cool kids club?
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
The amount of community oriented activity purple has accomplished already suggests it is. You’ve mentioned “cool kids club” a few times and I notice none of your earlier posts received much engagement. I’m sorry if you felt/feel excluded, it’s not anyone’s intention. I promise.
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