Prathmesh Desai pfp

Prathmesh Desai


74 Following

Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
how is this a comfortable nap position đŸ€”
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
this is one fun (but expensive) meme
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
i feel like i see "inmate escaped" on citizen like every other week in nyc??! maybe its actually easier than we think..
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
the shed just dropped free tickets for a bunch of events here
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
made a month's worth of his food, but he wants it all now
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
Claiming my /scoop profile with address: 0x80713E83C8a40275aB7b7758558A5dBB821c8649 let the scoop wars begin 🍩
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
gonna try and make some bone broth in an instant pot
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
is partner the colloquially accepted word between gf/bf and wife/husband?
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
L'Impératrice performed at Palais Bulles! Been on repeat for the past few hours, check em out.
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
The "quantum compass" could solve so many problems once unburdened by the limitations of GPS. I'm curious how they account for environmental factors like drag/resistance/etc when calculating the final position.
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
A step in the right direction, but is there any way to address the root cause of the issue and implement regulation to make these platforms less harmful to children? Also, I’m a Zillennial and most schools I attended I wasn’t allowed to use my phone in class (had to pick up from the principals office at eod if caught using it). Surprised the meta moved towards more liberated phone usage.
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
Not happy with me disturbing his nap!
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
what is happening in the /travel channel? looks like there is decent activity (by both power badge users and otherwise) as seen in the "Recent" tab, but the "Main" tab only shows one post?
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
imo the power badge meta of valuing users over content is a dangerous one - power imbalance of voices heard - nepo upward mobility (new users with friends that have badges will get more visibility because badge users are engaging with their content) - high risk of new users disengaging (new voices stifled) - decreased channel quality: badge user w/worse content > regular user w/good content (eventually regular user will take that content elsewhere) - channels become echo chambers thought experiment: if EVERY user on reddit was cross-posting between subreddit<>FC channel, which community would you rather be a part of? subreddit=meritocratic; quality content is prioritized irrespective of OP channel=posts by badge users will be seen & rest will (mostly) be lost bc of posts being lost into the `Recent` tab abyss & priority mode being turned on by default obv there are exceptions to the rule and there will be quality content that doesn't get visibility in both, but the FC badge model is far more discriminate.
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
Bought this Pro-Ject Tube Pre-Amp couple months ago and the improvements in sound quality is night and day. Would highly recommend getting a pre-amp of some kind!
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
I'm all for the modernization of car docks, but I'm not looking forward to a world where all essential functions (ie. climate control, wipers, etc) are only accessible through the dock's UI. As a driver which would you prefer to [1] increase air flow and [2] change air direction: Tesla: Locate the climate control button, click it, locate the airflow diagram, drag to point it to (presumably) where your face should be on dock UI, apply corrections if it doesn't work, locate the "+" button for intensity, click it to desired number Traditional Car: Locate the intensity knob, turn it to desired airflow intensity, locate the driver-side vent, manually move it to point to your face - Tesla forces users to avert gaze from the road and interact with a complex UI - Locating physical knobs/buttons is often second nature when done often
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
✅ 1 week of waking up at 6:45am Next Goal: 6:30am
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
If you're like me and love attending live shows I'd get on Oh My Rockness - the best + most exhaustive list of shows in the city I've found. (I still use RA for electronic music shows tho)
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
day 3 of successfully waking up before 7 đŸ’Ș
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Prathmesh Desai pfp
Prathmesh Desai
...until November 6th
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