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Jesse Pollak 🔵 pfp
Jesse Pollak 🔵
my definition of how to be based: 1. do the right thing, even if it's hard 2. put the team over the individual 3. work hard 4. push boundaries with creativity 5. stay optimistic what am I missing? what's yours?
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Prafull Singh  pfp
Prafull Singh
Your definition of how to be based is solid and encompasses important principles. Here's my take on what could be added: 1. Embrace continuous learning and adaptability. 2. Foster open communication and collaboration. 3. Prioritize integrity and transparency in all actions. 4. Show empathy and support for others. 1/2
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Prafull Singh  pfp
Prafull Singh
5. Strive for long-term sustainability and impact. These additional points emphasize ongoing growth, effective teamwork, ethical conduct, and a holistic approach to success. What do you think? 2/2
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