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Jordan Messina
First live session in over a year. WSOP running means this room is dead. Only 1/2 200 max is running and they don’t think a bigger game is happening tonight. Might be a short session but let’s play some low stakes and get splashy.
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Jordan Messina
UTG limp LJ limp CO (hero) QJdd $20 BB call UTG call LJ fold $63 in pot AA7r no diamond xxx Tc turn bring in back door clubs xxx 3x turn xxx BB 22 UTG 99
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Jordan Messina
LJ ($500 eff) raise $10 CO ($200 eff hero) call 68hh BB ($750 eff) raise $32 LJ fold Hero call $75 in pot 456hxx BB $65 Hero call $205 in pot Qh BB jam Hero call 8c They show AA we scoop. I don’t mind this call when deep against these player types. This shallow the hand plays itself and is -EV. Sets up a good table image.
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Jordan Messina
CO limp Btn (hero) JTo $10 SB call Bb call CO call Pot $40 955r xxx hero $15 fold fold fold
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Jordan Messina
Getting out of line and lucky Everyone limps to hero on btn ($550 eff) 35o call (family pot fun). sb ($650 eff) $20. BB all in for $27. middle position call. folds to btn, action isn’t reopened so call and bb completes $118 pot 24Jss xx hero $40. sb call. mp fold. $198 in pot Qx xx debate barreling turn to target Ax, 55-TT but decide to try to realize equity / give up 5x river xx SB A high. BB folds. we scoop with pair of 5s 🫣
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Looking like was a good session
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