Portmidas pfp



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tagawamakoto.⌐◨-◨ pfp
Our member @portmidas sent us these delightful pictures. Midas told us that we and students painted together in a workshop at an elementary school in Pekin, Illinois, this March, and their artwork was displayed at the school. It is very nice 💖 We were very happy to receive this communication at this time, and we will share it with you all. Our Nounish proposal is due today. If you haven't voted yet, please inscribe your thoughts in the form of a vote on the blockchain. nouns.camp/proposals/667 It is our sincere pleasure to connect with you all.⌐◨-◨ @tagawamakoto @kinako
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tagawamakoto.⌐◨-◨ pfp
Our proposal, submitted to the Nouns candidate. Please take a look at it, everyone. We have divided our proposal into two parts, this time as part 1. Therefore, the cost is about half. Also, this time around, we have put special emphasis on the Noun Kitpas Instructor. One of our key members, @Portmidas, is coming to Japan to become the first overseas kitpath instructor ‼️ We look forward to your support: 🙇‍♂️ https://www.nouns.camp/candidates/nounish-%C3%97-kitpas-instructor-proliferation-in-us-part-1-8f3a83a3356d2666d89d027544bbaffa12139e3c
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Portmidas pfp
Hello everyone! If anyone has any questions I would love to answer. In advance, I appreciate everyone and their feedback!
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tagawamakoto.⌐◨-◨ pfp
Thanks for your PFP ⌐◨-◨ @portmidas Because, it’s our fan art for you✨ Thanks again for your friendship🙏
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tagawamakoto.⌐◨-◨ pfp
Wowowow⌐◨-◨ @kinako @portmidas @afrideva 👏👏👏
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tagawamakoto.⌐◨-◨ pfp
Thanks for your friendship @davidzhorvath This is fan art for your PFP ⌐◨-◨ We are @kinako @portmidas @afrideva Shinya Fukasawa, Makoto Tagawa, Peter and Joseph
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JixAI🧩 pfp
A great experience and supportive community -Public access radio- -For the /nouniverse and beyond- Thanks a lot @tagawamakoto @portmidas @kinako
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tagawamakoto.⌐◨-◨ pfp
Manufacturing, Employees, and the Future. Kitpas President Oyama's Thoughts. (August 2024) @kitpasportal @nihon_rikagaku https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaGi3LPzORY @kinako @portmidas
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tagawamakoto.⌐◨-◨ pfp
Landscape with Kitpas, where you can draw freely and spontaneously @kitpasportal @nihon_rikagaku https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQvhJu19txc @portmidas @kinako
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JixAI🧩 pfp
It was great to know @oshi gallery, a resourceful and creative team Thanks to @tagawamakoto @kinako and @portmidas
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Zero Weight pfp
Zero Weight
Nouns Proposal 626: Nouns plush by Sun-Min + David, creators of Uglydoll Control 2 /nouns votes by replying +for, +against, or +abstain and your reason. Read prop → nouns.game/vote/626
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Kinako pfp
Holiday vibes 🇯🇵⛱️ #kitpas
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Portmidas pfp
As far as brand recognition is concerned in regards to return or analyzed, we hope that voters realize we are focusing on actionable metrics. All of the efforts from the first phase of the initiative incorporated a funnel that directly leads both customers and donation recipients directly back to Nouns and Kitpas in an actionable way. There is definitely interest and demand for the materials, the workshops themselves, as well as understanding Nouns from a holistic POV. We wish to express that our methods are effective quantitatively even more so qualitatively which is something that brings far more return for all brands and aspects involved. Hopefully this can become even more evident by looking at Tagawa-san’s accounts where he shares content from our first initiative, his weekly workshops and the response from the community and media. Thank you again. I know this was a lot to take in but I hope I was able to convey insight in response to your feedback. 🙏🙏
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Portmidas pfp
3/3 All of this so far understanding the value of brand recognition is extremely valuable as the focus on bringing art supplies to institutions in need of them makes a large impact to not only those communities but those who made it possible as we make clear with the packaging, the including nouns branding on the product itself and the involvement with another significant nouns project together. These products are also handmade in Japan and the cost also covers the employees with special needs. So far, I hope to convey that the return on this investment not only includes potential sales, it is also beyond monetary value in ways that have been so far achieved and observed pragmatically.
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Portmidas pfp
2/3 If we observe the images in the proposal and Tagawa-san’s accounts the events represent the entirety of Nouns, Kitpas and Tagawa-san’s brand even with his art being largely nounish themed in alignment both visually and philosophically. Our workshops and efforts towards the first phase in the US from the first proposal was received well and published in a number of newspapers both in the states and Japan respectively. We were able to give donations to those locations, both schools and libraries. I am still currently donating Kitpas with Nouns branding to the art departments in local schools. The continuation of this initiative with this proposal also includes donation to schools in Uganda specifically another successful Nounish project.
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Portmidas pfp
These new workshops will be established initially by ourselves and promoted with my resources and experience in marketing and advertising in Web2 and especially in Web3 in bridging the two. 🙏🙏
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Portmidas pfp
I wish to cover the nonstarter first because that is important. The cross globe travel is to receive training as an instructor and ambassador for both Nouns and Kitpas as an ongoing effort as there are no instructors for the company outside of Japan as of now. Training would be immersive and hands on. That would be a one time expense in exchange for myself to organize these events on a regular basis not only locally but with expansion in mind. The workshops which are frequent in Japan but we wish to establish them overseas serve not only an opportunity for kids and parents to use the material. It is an event in which attendees actually registered for in advance. It is also a platform for promotion as Nouns is involved with the packaging, the product itself and the overall initiative. There is of course no expectation of compensation for any of this outside of the initial training.🙏
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Portmidas pfp
Thank you for your feedback! I will share this from a perspective having experience with the first proposal and with understanding that this is a continuation of then first proposal; I apologize for the length in advance lol. 🙏🙏🙏
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Portmidas pfp
Thank you, Wylin🙏 Yes this is exactly what we did the first time around to great reception from the children and parents. I am actually still donating Kitpas from the first proposal with the nouns crossover packaging. We were able to share and effectively convey all three brands between Kitpas, Nouns and Tagawa-san as artist with the workshops. This current proposal is not only a continuation of the first it is an expansion. 🙏🙏
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Zero Weight pfp
Zero Weight
Nouns Proposal 600: Nounish Kitpas: Create a one-of-a-kind Noggle by @tagawamakoto Control 2 /nouns votes by replying +for, +against, or +abstain and your reason. Read prop → nouns.game/vote/600
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